It is November! I honestly can't believe how quick this year is going by, it seems like yesterday we heard the news that the country would be going into lockdown and that ended up lasting 5 months. Now I know it hasn't been the most thrilling of years, but things can only get better... right?
So what are our plans for this month... To be honest lots of Christmas planning throughout November. I like to get stuff done so we can enjoy December. It looks to be a pretty quiet November for us (and pretty much everyone else) with lots of baking, board games, walks etc.
Number one on my list is to complete our Christmas shopping. I am almost finished the boys gifts and just have a few things to now buy for my Nana and Auntie, I am planning on getting the food sorted or at least get the meats and treats because, if im honest im worried about people stockpiling again.
Christmas baking and making.
I know it's only November but we love to bake and cook and we are planning on baking things like Mince pies (we already made a batch but the boys ate them!), our Christmas yule log and some canapes and freeze them, that way we'll have some goodies to enjoy whilst enjoying the festivities.
Making our Christmas cards.
We make cards for family members every year. Our family members prefer handmade cards from the boys and have kept previous ones in a box. We like to get ours made and sent out before December.
Christmas Decorations
We are going to get our decorations out and sort through what we have for this year. I like to put the decorations up back end of November but we may be early this year for some extra Christmas cheer.
Every year we visit our favourite garden centre and let the boys choose a christmas bauble. We love this tradition and it is one that myself and Craig did growing up (same garden centre and everything!) Although if it is closed due to covid we might have to wait until December to do this.
Day trips
Depending on what happens with this lockdown, we do have some day trips planned. We are hoping to visit a few parks and nature reserves that we have yet to visit up in Northumberland. We were hoping to get to York to do a bit of christmas shopping but I can't see that happening if i'm honest. I think it's going to be a case of wait and see what happens. However lockdown wont stop us from visiting our local outdoor spaces. Now that a month long lockdown has been announced it looks like we will be sticking to local options.
Clear out
We have been having a toy clear out, the boys like to clear out some of the things that they don't play with anymore. Some of the better quality items they will sell and put the money into there piggy banks. Books they usually donate to the church or charity shop.
Adam will continue to attend college as long as it stays safe enough to do so. This month we are starting a few new topics including the story of chocolate, Vikings and Mushrooms. We have been finding so many mushrooms lately and the boys are really interested in finding more and finding more out about them.
Don't miss
*Christmas Chronicles 2 will be released on Netflix later this month and we are really looking forward to it.
*You could get some pre christmas cookies,canapes, mince pies made up and pop them in the freezer ready for the festive period.
My favourite thing about the last few months of the year is the frosty walks on a morning. As a photography lover I just love seeing the patterns in frozen puddles and dew on spider webs.
What do you have planned this month?
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