Halloween 2020 is definitely going to be a little bit different this year, but that does not mean you can't have a bit of fun. We usually head to Beamish for their Halloween evenings and a few other local events, but this year I think we will just be spending Halloween at home, unless we can find an event we will all love. I already have a few things planned for the boys but during October we will be mainly heading out for Autumn walks, watching spooky movies and making some fun treats.
Visit an event - Now I know this year has seen it's challenges and quite a lot of events have been cancelled. However you can still visit a few decent events still taking place.
Find out more HERE
Pumpkin Picking - We really enjoy visiting our favourite pumpkin farm in Pickering, something we have been doing for a while now and enjoy this as a family.
Find out more HERE

Autumn Walks - We love to be outdoors and during Autumn it is a fab time to get to the local woodlands and explore.
Find out more HERE

Apple Picking - October is Apple season. Go out pick some delicious apples and then make a scrumptious apple pie. My delicious recipe is coming soon !

Costume - 2020 will see change and I guess no one will be out trick or treating, so why not just make your own costume and have a little party (for your family in your household).
Old pair of trousers, a raggy t shirt and a bit of fake blood! Hey presto you have a zombie outfit.

The Pumpkin Trail - Lots of local neighbourhoods are doing a Pumpkin trail. Maybe you could join in too. Search on Facebook for your local group.

Movie nights - We absolutely love settling down to a good movie, and Halloween brings in lots more options. Obviously with the ages of the boys we have age limits for movies.
Find out more HERE

Make decorations - Why not make some Halloween decorations from the recycling bin. You can use egg cartons to make bats, milk cartons to make ghosts and tissue paper to make hanging spirits.

BFG Potion - The boys love to make BFG Potions, it is so simple but very effective. Make your own magic at home.
Find out more HERE

Carve Pumpkins - A pretty obvious activity, carve pumpkins together. Set a theme to stick to or just go with the flow.

Make pumpkin soup - Honestly, this is lots of fun to do together. If you do make it use the smaller pumpkins as they are sweeter.
Find out more HERE

Rockpooling - Autumn is one of the best times of the year to go rockpooling. Wrap up warm and go on an adventure.

Leaf fights - You could do this at home or if you don't have trees pop along to the local park and have some leafy fun.

S'mores - Perfect for those cold nights. Even better is two cookies with marshmallows and chocolate with a squirt of caramel sauce, sandwich them, wrap in foil and put into the oven until soft... enjoy with a scoop of ice cream.

Conker collecting - The perfect Autumn activity. Head to the woods and see how many you can find. Find out more HERE

Make a scarecrow - You could gather up some old clothing, grab a bag of straw or even just old newspapers and make a scarecrow. You never know you could start a scarecrow trail in your neighbourhood.

Spooky Stories - make up a den and snuggle in to read some ghost stories. Perfect for Halloween.

Collect Pine Cones - Pine Cones make the most amazing bird feeder. You could head out in search for some pine cones and make up some ready for the winter.

Scavenger hunt - Make up a scavenger hunt. This could be around the house, or out in nature.

Make Halloween treats - Spooky treats for Halloween is just what you need. Make up some pastry fingers, jelly worms and some pickled eyeballs.

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