I am so happy that is is now September, my favourite season is upon us and I am so ready to say goodbye to Summer and Hello to Autumn.
August has been quite a busy one for us, we started the month on a campaign for Everyone Active, taking part in an activity everyday for 7 days. I really enjoyed it actually as it was something that we had never done before yet we all enjoyed doing the activities together.
We also checked out Space Camp in Roker, Cirque Du Hilarious, WWT Washington, Treasure Island Panto and visited some of our favourite attractions too.
August also saw Toby have minor foot surgery so we spent some time taking it easy, until he was feeling ready to get moving again.
I have really been feeling the Autumnal vibes lately and the weather change has happened already I think, it has been quite chilly these last few days. I am really looking forward to crisp mornings, leafy walks, hot chocolate and pumpkin flavoured everything! I have even been wearing a jumper today so the weather is definitely feeling more autumnal.
September sees lots of kids heading back into school. I hope they all settle in well and have a great start. For our three we are entering year 4 of Home Education. Adam is starting his second year of GCSEs and will continue doing them at college two days a week, the rest of the the week he will have online GCSEs and other work. I can't believe we now have to start looking at colleges and arranging viewings. Honestly, where has the time gone? Adam has two careers in mind and wants to explore all the options.

Toby & Elliot will continue with their work at home and out and about. We have some exciting new topics coming up. We started Ancient Greece during the summer, we will be diving into the world of Chocolate and our reading book will be Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have so much planned for our new start to the home ed year. We have so many cookery sessions booked in too. The boys have been helping me with my cookery book I have been working on. (They have mainly been stealing bowls and licking spoons!)
We had a new delivery of books today ready for some of the new topics, Elliot chose trees, seeds and leaves as one of his topics and Toby chose woodland creatures, which tie in really well with each other. I love doing our learning outdoors. September obviously marks the start of Autumn, this season is best to go out and look for wildlife, bug hunts, collect leaves and conkers and just enjoy the changing seasons and being outside. I much prefer to be outdoors during the autumn months than summer. Being a redhead has some disadvantages, like turning into a lobster once the sunlight hits your face.

September is of course a great month for us home educators, for getting out to some of those attractions we know and love but stay away from during the summer holidays due to them being too busy and having two kids with sensory processing who hate crowds. We are super excited to be heading to Chester Zoo, it has been a few years since we last visited, in fact I am pretty sure Elliot wasn't even born the last time we went and he is 9! We are also going to see the fabulous Steve Royle, the boys are pretty excited for that. I can't wait to share our adventures with you all.
The garden, well if I am honest I have let the garden just do its own thing during August. I am planning on swapping some of the plants for winter flowers to bring that bit of brightness to our small garden. We do have sweetcorn and rhubarb growing in the planters but I don't think I will plant anything through the winter and just have some pretty flowers with pretty lights. During the colder months our focus switches to birds and we like to make our own feeders, put out some pinecones and make sure there's plenty of seed on hand.
The blog hit the 5k mark on Facebook, which was amazing and I am now starting to see our hard work pay off. In the past I have had mixed feeling about the blog and there has been times when I have felt like just throwing in the towel, but I have stuck with it and although admittedly I don't post as many blog posts as I would like, I am seeing a huge improvement in social media interaction. We now have 10k goals by Christmas for Facebook. Fingers crossed! Over the coming weeks, expect to see lots autumnal content plus lots more.

Summer reached the ripe old age of 8 in August too. She is still like a giant puppy. It still seems like yesterday we took in this skinny raggy 5 month old dog that had been brought over from Romania and was abandoned by the person who was suppose to rescue her! One of the best decisions we ever made, taking her in.
September for us will see lots of days out, lots of autumnal goodies, and looking forward to what the season will bring us.
We have even made a start on Christmas content. I have noticed in the shops they seem to be gearing up to go all out Christmassy come September, which is obviously great but I LOVE Halloween and everything about it and I wish we celebrated Halloween here in the UK more than we do. Salem is on my bucket list of places to visit for Halloween.
Do you have anything special planned for the next few months? If you need any inspiration keep an out for my what's on guides, half term guides and just general autumnal goodness.
Dates for the diary
1st Start of Autumn
4th National Wildlife Day
5th International Day of Charity
6th September sees most of the kids back in School and marks our new year of Home Education.
6th National Read a Book Day
11th 9/11 Remembrance
12th National Video Game day
13th Roald Dahl Day
19th Talk like a pirate day
20th Recycling Week
22nd Autumn Equinox
29th National Coffee Day

Movie we are most looking forward too this month
24th Venom 2 Let There Be Carnage
Moon to look out for is The Harvest Moon - Also known as The Corn Moon or The Barley Moon.
Constellation of the month is Cygnus - Easy to spot as it is shaped like a cross.
Check out these other posts and make sure you check back for lots of new Autumnal posts.