That happened quickly didn't it? September is here after what can only be described as the wettest summer I think we have ever had. I am just glad it is coming to an end and we can move on with the year.
September is the start of my favourite time of the year, the BER months
I have not done a check in post for a while so I thought it was very overdue and I do like to look back on them.
What we have been up too during the Summer
đWe visited some Car Shows
đWe did lots of Nature Crafts to add to our Wild Book
đRe Visited Sunderland Museum
đTried some new restaurants
đSeasonal visit to WWT Washington and took part in Moth Morning
đWalked up to Penshaw Monument
đWalked around Herrington Park
đVisited Bempton Cliffs
đYorkshire Wildlife Park
đMother Shipton's Cave
đVarious Morning Beach Walks
đUsed The shields ferry and had a day out in South Shields
đNorth East Land Sea and Air museum
đVisited Kirkharle courtyard
đWent Goat Feeding
đVisited St Mary's Lighthouse and went rock pooling
đSpent the day in Richmond and visited Richmond Castle
đThorp Perrow
đFlower Festival
đHexham Abbey
đCherry burn
đTunstall Hill Butterfly hunting
đTook part in 30 days wild
đWent to a food festival
We were planning on going Sunflower picking but we did it last year and I feel like its a every other year kind of thing to do, plus its not cheap at nearly ÂŁ40 to get in and then the cost of the flowers and other activities on top. The boys were not too bothered and if I am honest I think next year this will be a date night activity for Craig and I .
We did have a holiday booked but we had to cancel due to our dog sitters dropping us in it right at the last minute. Furious is the only nice word for this. We just made use of our gorgeous North East and Yorkshire and supported local businesses. The weather has been awful this year and pretty much rained most of the time. I am just glad to get into September and start enjoying the seasons to come.
The Autumnal Vibes are starting to hit and I can not wait to start getting some Autumn décor into our lives. I have a trip to TK Max on my mind as they always some fantastic autumnal candles and goodies.
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The Boys
Adam has pretty much been working most through most of the Summer break. He started his driving lessons and is doing really well. He will be starting his last year at college next week and he is really looking forward to the next stage.
Toby has spent his summer playing football, spending time with his GF, sleeping and breathing Wrestling and just enjoying the time off. He will be starting his last year at college to complete his GCSEs which we have been told he will ace after he got high grades in his Mocks.
Elliot has been doing lots of what he loves to do, Playing Minecraft, Reading, being out in nature, adding entries to his wild book and more. He has become really interested in football and has been going out everyday with Toby and friends playing football.
Elliot is only 11 and will still be Home educating.
Home Education
Kids across the country will heading back to school on the next part of there journey. We will be heading on a not back to school picnic like we do every year, September is a happy time in the Home edding community as the schools go back, making our favourite places much quieter.
Elliot has opted to keep Home educating. He would be going into secondary school if he did go to school so we have changed quite a bit about how and what we will be learning. Nature and the great outdoors still plays a huge part in how we learn and teach.
We have decided to add in the KS3 topics Elliot would be doing at School but will be teaching in our own way and will still be out on lots of educational trips, This year he really wants to do more History, Geography and has chosen Spanish as his language to study. Art will play a bigger part in our learning too. We will be sharing lots of our ideas, lessons and work to our Instagram and I am going to add a dedicated page on the blog.
In The Garden
Our little yarden is still in bloom with lots of lovely colours, I get some very English cottage vibes from parts of it. Our strawberry basket is still growing and looking lush. The tomato plant we rescued from the garden centre when it was on its last legs is now over 4ft tall and has fruit! The pepper plant we rescued from the same garden centre currently has 6 peppers growing. We have pond snails that somehow found there way and there's currently millions of baby snails in it. We wont be doing much else this year with the garden. I just have not been feeling it and long for the day we move away to a farm so I can have an epic grow your own patch.
What's been happening on the blog?
We finally hit 26k which we are very grateful for. We have lots of fantastic blog jobs coming up for the rest of the rest of the year that we can not wait for. I don't really have much else to share about the blog, I don't think I have been giving it my all this year, I have had a bit going on and re started an old business so my time has been a bit short. However I am ready and have plans to jump back in and give it my all making the blog even better and bigger than it ever has been.
The Pets
Summer turned 10 a last week, we can not believe the goofball is 10 years old. She has been in our lives since she was 5 month old and I am so glad we found her. She needed rescuing and we were the lucky people to do it. She is in very good health so we are hoping for many more years out of her yet.
Iris is still our Cauliflower. The funniest Border Collie I think I have ever come across. She has taking it upon herself to nap on the sofa and pull a blanket over herself. Elliot has still be teaching her to dance.
Albert our bunny is still going strong, he is slowing down a bit now but just loves to snuggle into you.
What do we have planned?
We have quite a bit planned for the first week in September before the boys head back to college and clubs. We already have quite the list to work through for Autumn. ( Check out my Autumnal Bucket list) keep an eye out on socials to see what we get up too.
Dates for the diary
National Honey Month
Waffle week 3rd-10th
Heritage Open Days 9th-18th
Great British Beach Clean 15th-24th
1st- Blackpool Illuminations
2nd - World Beard Day, International Bacon day,
4th - National Wildlife Week
5th - Cheese Pizza day
6th - Read a Book Day
10th - The Great North Run , Hug your hound day
12th - Chocolate Milkshake day, National Video game day
13th- Roald Dahl Day, Kids takeover the kitchen day
15th - Cheese on toast day
16th - Batman day
19th - Talk like a pirate day
21st - International day of peace
22nd - Hobbit Day
23rd - Autumn Equinox
27th World Tourism Day
The night sky
Constellation of the month is Pegasus
Look our for the Andromeda Galaxy
Neptune will be at opposition on the 19th
Septembers moon is The Harvest Moon
TV in September
Its a pretty boring month actually.
Elliot and I are really looking forward to The Great British Bake Off and usually bake along with the weekly challenge.
Disney+ Releases The Little mermaid, and I am Groot season 2 on the 6th
Netflix - the only things I have spotted is Kung Fu panda The Dragon King season 3 and Spy Kids Armageddon
Sky - Scream 6
Cinema - There's literally nothing that I have seen that interests me.
Craig and I have been watching The Big Bang Theory again and we are almost finished Manifest on Netflix.
For me September tv will consist of binging a tv show on Netflix, horror movies ready for October and lots of hallmark movies. Its time to get cheesy
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