It is December already which means it is almost Winter and Christmas! It most definitely is the most wonderful time of the year. Today marks the start of Blogmas in many content writers diary, this is my second year and I am determined to get through the month without missing any days this time (we are moving home next week so fingers crossed).
Blogmas is all about festive love and posting a blog post everyday. Are you taking part?
I thought it would be fun for us to come up with a festive bucket list. Something bursting with fun festive things that we can mostly do as a family and while the boys are still young enough to enjoy he magic of it all.
Festive Bucket List
Visit a traditional Market – I like the Authentic German Markets you find some beautiful gifts and the food is amazing.
Go To the Panto – This has been a tradition in my family ever since I was a little girl. I love taking Craig and the Boys.
Make Gingerbread Houses – Try and get the kids to finish it before they eat it!
Make Mince Pies – I am not a big fan, but Craig & Adam love them, so I make them a few batches every year.
Visit Santa – We only take Elliot now as the other two are “too old” (There words) 🙁
Follow Santa on Christmas Eve – Google have a dedicated Santa tracker! How cool is that? Complete with games too.
Wear an ugly jumper for a day – Is there such a thing as an ugly jumper?
Visit the Garden Centre – We like to take a look at the Christmas displays.
Go on a winter walk – Find a forest and just tale in the fresh crisp air and recharge.
Donate to the local food bank. – We try to do this every year and donate food, pet food, hygiene products.
Christmas Movie Day – Which ones will you watch
Christmas Craft Day – spend the day making some fun decorations with the kiddies
Make a slow cooker Hot Chocolate – Pretty self explanatory.
Make Christmas Cards for loved ones.
Visit the local towns Christmas lights
Ice Skating – I obviously love Ice Skating but the boys, well i’m not so sure.
Make some Peppermint Bark
Attend Carol service
Kiss under the mistletoe
Make Mulled Wine ( non Alcoholic) We don’t drink.
5 Random Acts of Kindness
Go foraging and make a pretty wreath
Decorate the house for the Festive season
Crochet a Christmas Stocking
Bake Christmas Cookies
Go sledging if there’s snow, if not go grass sledge
Make Christingles – They are so pretty.
Get a Poinsettia for the dining room
Build Snowmen
Do a Christmas Jigsaw
Host a Child Friendly New Years Eve Party