I don't usually do bucket lists because the last time I did years ago, I ended up disappointed that I didn't complete it. This year I really want to give it another go with quite a large list some things totally doable, others not so much. I think everyone should have a yearly bucket list full of things that they really want to achieve in a year even if you don't manage them all it still gives you something to work towards. Some of the things on my list I have done before but want to do them again.
Here is my humongous list!
1) Move house - This will be later in the year 2019 as we plan to buy a large farm
2) Take up a new hobby outside of the house
3) Try a new craft for the month
4) Learn more Bushcraft
5) Learn a new language
6) Day date with with Craig once per week
7) Get fit again.
8) Disneyland for Halloween
9) Go to at least 3 different Circus shows
10) Visit Longleat Safari park
11) Write an Ebook
12) Practise more Yoga
13) Get some Rescue goats
14) Get some Rescue chickens
15) Make a crochet blanket
16) Practise better self care
17) Explore The Scottish Highlands
18) Bake a cake once per week
19) Fall in love with Photography again
20) Read one book a month
21) Grow a tomato plant ( We did this last year but they blew away in the storm)
22) Create a Bee and Butterfly friendly garden
23) Explore a cave
24) Kiss in the rain
25) Learn sign language
26) Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day
27) Bake a loaf of bread
28) Do something for a charity
29) Write a children's book
30) Be a zookeeper for the day
31) Make my own beauty product
32) Have a tech free day once per month
33) Go to the theatre
34) See a musical
35) Cinema once per month ( We have already been doing this for the last year)
36) Get a baby sitter and get dressed up go for a nice posh meal and stay in a hotel for the night.
37) Visit Lapland
38) Visit a German Christmas market in Germany
39) Go whale watching
40) New York for Christmas
41) Go ice skating once per month
42) Visit more attractions in the uk ( see my attraction )
43) Teach Iris to dance (My youngest dog)
44) Go for a long walk everyday
45) Go scuba diving
46) See the northern lights
47) Visit the Galapagos Islands
48) Send a message in a bottle
49) Grow sunflowers
50) Take an online class
51) Go camping more
52) Adopt a shelter animal
53) Watch IMDB'S top 250 movie list
54) Try at least 20 new foods
55) Get my hair cut ( Simple I know but I really hate getting my hair cut! )
56) Name a star
57) Cut our plastic waste even more
58) Complete my one picture every day for a year
59) Go meat free for 2 days per week
60) Find a penpal
61) Learn to play an instrument
62) Join Postcrossing
63) Build an igloo
64) Build a snowman
65) Read a holy book
66) Paint a picture
67) Learn to say hello in 26 languages
68) Plant a tree
69) Go to a concert with Craig
70) Make ice cream
71) Make root beer ( Non alcoholic)
72) Write a poem
73) Break a world record
74) Picnic in the park
75) Sit on a horse again ( I used to Horse ride until I was thrown from one which made me terrified to ride)
76) Join a club
77) Donate to an animal shelter
78) Learn a new self defence
79) Buy something from an auction that we need
80) Make an origami crane
81) Raise a butterfly
82) Visit Local events
83) Watch at least 2 documentaries per week
84) Have a hot stone massage
85) Total detox
86) Eat nothing but fruit and veg for a week
87) Make something from papier mache
88) Write down any regrets then burn them
89) Make pickle
90) Make jam
91) Learn how to use my new sewing machine ( I prefer old Singer machines)
92) Go skiing
93) Massage night once per month
94) Swim with dolphins
95) Make cheese
96) See a cirque du soleil show
97) Learn tai chi
98) Spend a week in London
99) Grow the business
100) Build a treehouse with the boys
101) Go on a bike ride
102) Build a sandcastle
103) Go to an Ice hockey game
104) Go to WWE Raw Live
105) Play frisbee
106) Find a double rainbow
107) Attend countryfile live
108) Add a lock to lovers bridge
109) Sleep under the stars
110) Moonlight Swim
111) Learn about knots
112) Buy a Ford Ranger
113) Make lemonade
114) Keep a nature journal for a year and get it published
115) Participate in a community event
116) Make a mandala
117) Watch Carnations change colour
118) Spend the weekend in the Lake District
119) Afternoon tea at the Ritz
120) Apply to be an extra in a tv show
121) Learn to drive
122) Celebrate a Hindu holiday
123) Explore a waterfall
124) Write down what I am grateful of everyday
125) Explore Scotland's west coast by rail
126) Visit Stonehenge
127) Try a deep fried Mars bar
128) Complete a maize maze
129) Hunt for fossils
130) Fly a kite
131) Go to a hot air balloon event
132) Explore more marine biology ( My career choice when I was younger) Love it!
133) Have an owl/falconry experience day
134) Visit a jousting event
135) Visit Moscow
136) Get my nose re pierced
137) Get a tattoo
138) Have a sitcom marathon
139) Conquer a fear
140) Decorate the house
141) Lear how to tarot
142) Spend the full day outside
143) Make a hawaiian punch
144) Catch fireflies
145) Buy a hot tub
146) Visit Chester zoo lantern parade
147) Put mentos in diet coke with the boys
148) Bet on a horse race
149) Go to blackpool for the weekend
150) Have one family day per month with no tech
151) Visit every city in Scotland
152) Eat better - Try to cut out as much sugar and processed food as I can
153) Start a Kids club (Gardening, Art, book club)
154) Learn the Maori Language and heritage (Im part Maori)
155) Learn about Beekeeping
156) Go on a husky sledge ride
157) Meditate
158) Learn how to blow glass
159) Make a sculpture
160) Take a photo of lightning
161) Go to a comic con
162) Try indoor skydiving
163) Go on a helicopter ride
164) Go on a road trip
165) Try sand surfing
166) Ride a segway
167) Go to a monster truck show
168) Take an underwater picture
169) Go barefoot for the day
170) Watch a meteor shower
171) Become a blood donor
172) Buy a meal for a homeless person
173) Donate to the local food bank
174) Volunteer for a full day
175) Go to a Rugby match (Pref All Blacks)
176) Take a long boat ride (I hate boats)
178) Don't buy myself any new clothes for the year
179) Start pilates
180) Reach 2000 followers on Twitter
181) Write a recipe book
182) Complete a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle
183) Make a time capsule
184) Write a letter to my future self
185) Go on a ghost hunt
186) Do 50 random acts of kindness
187) Take a candlelight bubble bath
188) Send a care package
189) Attend a charity walk
190) Re new my first aid certificate
191) Start a petition
192) Win something
193) Keep a scrapbook
194) Eat breakfast everyday
195) Hug a giant tree
196) Learn a new dance
197) Grow a Herb garden
198) Grow lavender and make oil
199) Have a campfire, s'mores and stories
200) Grow wildflowers
201) Ban negativity
WOW there it is. My 200 long list of Bucket list wants for 2019. Now to start planning to work through it!
What are you hoping to achieve in 2019?
Kelly X
