We are now finishing week 5 of lockdown and health and fitness is high on our minds right now. We are usually quite an active family with long walks, camping, hiking and just being outdoors. So we have been looking into ways that we can burn some of our energy at home and keep fit. The list below are things that we have actually been doing and we love. Well I love zumba but the boys are not too keen!
PE with Joe Wicks
Yoga With Cosmic Kids
Zumba with Dovydas
Dance to your favourite tunes
Karate with Karate lessons online
Boxing with Popsugar
Kickboxing with Ehowsports
These are just a few of the things that we have tried using online resources to help keep us fit and to be completely honest the fact that they are free makes it so much better. Right now we could all do with saving some money wherever we can. Keeping fit is great for our health, heart and minds. Please note that if you have any worries regarding your health give your DR a quick call just to make sure a new fitness regime is right for you.