I was recently tagged in a blog post '50 things that make me happy' by the wonderful imogenchloe.co.uk. I said I would happily do a post about the things that make me happy. So here it is:
1) My Family
2) My dogs
3) WWE (yes really)
4) Books
5) Autumn

6) Herbal Tea
7) Marvel
8) Dc comics
9) Trees
10) Chocolate

11) Candles
12) Notebooks
13) Netflix
14) Snow globes
15) Ducks

16) Science
17) Space
18) Peacocks
19) Hot chocolate (Ned Flanders style)
20) Thick snuggly blankets

21) Picnics on the beach
22) Moscow
23) Pimms
24) Egypt
25) Egyptian food

26) Photography
27) Snuggly movie days with my boys
28) North Yorkshire
29) Country Music
30) Cowboy Boots

31) Snow
32) Christmas
33) Ice Skating
34) Writing
35) Thick Gloves

36) Halloween
37) 80s Movies
38) Tigers
39) Lavender
40) Carrot Cake

41) Scarves
42) Hats
43) Chia Seed Pudding
44) Baking
45) Exploring Castles

46) Toast with strawberry jam
47) Harry Potter
48) The colour purple
49) Scrubs ( tv show)
50) Making Lists
There you have my 50 things that make me happy
What makes you happy?
