**We were gifted free entry in return for this review, all words are my own**

We were Kindly invited along to Life Science Centre to take a look at the new exhibition. Two things that the boys love are Dinosaurs and Lego, so this couldn't have gone down any better for them.
Brick Dinos Lego Experience
The muched loved North East Family attraction reopened its doors on the 1st of August, after a long closure, following the Covid 19 outbreak.
Lots of hand sanitiser dotted around for you to use

Upon arrival we were greeted by friendly members of staff who showed us where to go.
You have to watch a short video which explains the changes they have made since reopening. Thanks to pre booked ticket entry only, we were in a small group with only a few other families, so as we made our way around it felt like we pretty much had the place to ourselves.
We were shown to an area that had been set up for a lego challenge with about 6 tables, all with a bottle of hand sanitiser and you could pick a small packet of Lego which contained 6 bricks and you have to build a dinosaur in 2 minutes, although there is no timer you do only have 15 minutes max in each area of the exhibit. When you are finished, the tables are cleaned before the next group come in.
In this area you can also take a look at the magnificent Lego display created by Steve Mayes, showcasing his lego talent by building his collection of locally based models, such as the Angel of the North, a Metro train and various other amazing builds. Look out for the Life centre lego model.
Once you are done in this section you have to follow the footprints to the main part of the exhibition. The Dino Footprints have some fascinating facts about different dinosaurs which we really liked.
The main exhibit is the creation of Warren Elsmore and his team, who worked with Paleontologists to recreate the dinosaurs which had just been on exhibition in America. The exhibit is made up of around 18 medium sized lego builds in glass cases and I just have to say that some of the detail is just absolutely fantastic. We all had our favourites. Mine was the Brontosaurus skeleton in a museum. The detail on the tiny little displays in this was just amazing.
You can also see some giant models including a 5m long Masiakasaurus and a 2.4m wingspan pterodactyl. All in all this was a great way to spend an hour or two and you can clearly see the effort and time that has gone into the displays and also how the staff at Science at Life have put the time and effort into making sure everyone is safe. It has definitely made the boys think more creatively when it comes to building lego.
Important Info
*Family Ticket £22
*Masks are a must unless you are exempt
*Pre Booking is needed
*One way system in place
*Toilets are open
*Planetarium and Young Explorers is closed (only the dino exhibition open)
*Recording the time visitors arrive and taking contact details for the test and trace system
*Cafe Closed
*Dino Footprints on the floor to mark out 2m
*Lots of hand sanitiser stations
*Increased cleaning throughout our visit to keep the displays sanitised
*Car park 5 minutes away/Metro & Train station is a few minutes walk
*Must arrive within 10 minutes of your booking
*Allocated to 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Postcode - NE1 4EP
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