We all love a good, rich, fudgy chocolate cake right? Ever since I had Elliot, my third child, we knew that he would be our last, so I told myself that the time had come to cut back on some of the foods that I love and start living healthier, that I have done however the one thing I simply cannot seem to cut back on is Chocolate cake! Here is my favourite luxurious chocolate fudge cake recipe that I always turn to for an Oh My God sugar fix.
For the cake
230g good-quality dark chocolate (60% cocoa solids)
180g butter , plus extra for greasing
130g soft brown sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
4 large free-range eggs
160g self-raising flour
Optional extras - Almonds / Hazelnuts
For the Ganache
270g good quality dark chocolate, chopped
265 ml double cream

1) Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F/gas 2.
Smash up the chocolate, put it into a food processor and add the butter, sugar, 2 tablespoons of the cocoa powder, and whiz until smooth. Then crack your eggs, one at a time, into the mixture and add the flour. Whiz again until smooth.
2) Grab a baking dish, and butter the dish really well and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder over it. Make sure it lightly coats the whole surface of the dish.
Pour the cake mixture into the dish. I usually use a really sharp knife to cut the fudge into pieces and sprinkle these over the top of the cake mix, pushing some of pieces down into the mixture.
3) Put the dish into the preheated oven and cook for around 25 minutes.
This is where you can decide how you want the cake, I like it to still be a little gooey in the middle, you can check this by taking it out of the oven and sticking a knife into the middle of the cake. However, if it seems a bit wobbly, like jelly, then it needs to go back in for another 5 minutes.
4) Let your cake cool completely then you can add your ganache.
How to make the Ganache
Place the chopped up chocolate into a bowl.
Heat the cream in a small non stick saucepan over medium heat.
Bring just to the boil, watching very carefully because if it boils for a few seconds, it will boil out of the pan. When the cream has come to the boil, pour over the chopped chocolate, and mix until smooth.
Allow the ganache to cool before pouring over your cake. Pour, starting at the centre of the cake and work outward slowly.
Fruit on top is optional but is delicious!
Most importantly enjoy!
