June sees the release of one of the most anticipated movies of 2019, TOY STORY 4!
I was super excited when I found out about the 4th and final installment in the franchise. They could have just left it at Toy Story 3 and everyone would have been happy but we have been spoilt with another installment.
I don’t want to give too much away about this movie so I will keep it short and sweet.
Our favourites are back, to bring some fun and imaginative play to our screens, starting off in the past, we get to see what happened to BO – Peep and her sheep when Molly (Andy’s sister) no longer needs her. Then we skip to the present and see Bonnie trying out her first day in Kindergarten, a day she is nervous about.
Woody has been getting left in the closet for weeks, not being played with and loved like he once was,which makes him think back to his beloved Andy.
Woody sneaks into Bonnie’s backpack so he can go with her, hopeful that he can make her day that little bit easier. Bonnie then creates a new toy, Forky.

Forky is the main focus for this movie and sees the gang go on another rescue mission when forky is kidnapped by a doll and some ventriloquist dummies ( I hope they don’t sell these, they are horrid!)
Bonnie and her parents take a trip in their motorhome and take the gang with them, but of course lots of adventure is a must.
This 4th movie is funny, silly, exciting and emotional.
I won’t post the ending but I guess it’s happy and sad at the same time.
We left the cinema feeling a bit urgh, maybe because that’s it. No more Toy Story? But we feel there could be plenty of stories still to be told and whether they go with them or not, well let’s wait and see. ( I hope they do )
One of the things I would love to see is Andy all grown up, with his own kids and their toys. Maybe even his son could have his very own Woody! Wouldn’t that be amazing!
Have you been to see it? What did you think?
Kelly X